Puller or other?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 1, 2014
Flower Mound, TX
Sorry for the title typo. Posting with too much going on around me!!!
We got these "pullets" that were purchased sexed from a hatchery.
I think they are silver laced wyandottes. They should be around 16 weeks old. I know nothing about chickens, I'm a complete newbie. This is the only one that is developing a much bigger and redder comb. I tried to get good pictures but these chickens are quick!


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Wow thank you so much!!
I should probably post all of my chickens on here. I didn't realize Easter Eggers are so varied in color! We have a few brown/white/gray ones that are supposedly Ameracaunas. Are those the same as Easter Eggers? Thank you so much!!
Wow thank you so much!!
I should probably post all of my chickens on here. I didn't realize Easter Eggers are so varied in color! We have a few brown/white/gray ones that are supposedly Ameracaunas. Are those the same as Easter Eggers? Thank you so much!!
Many hatcheries call Easter Eggers "Americanas" or Ameraucana/Araucanas. However, these bird are actually Easter Eggers. You'll rarely get true Ameraucanas from a hatchery. True Ameraucanas come in only a few specific color varieties and lay blue eggs. Easter Eggers can look like anything and can lay eggs of many different colors.
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Wow!!! Thanks everyone! The two black ones in the center I thought were marans. I think they are cuckoo? Thanks!!! I will read that info soon! I appreciate all of the help as you can tell I don't know much. But we are learning every day. :)

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