Pullet gasping for air

Petra Pancake

7 Years
Jul 15, 2016
In the suburbs of Tel Aviv
My mistake, I know... I bought today two 4 months old Leghorn pullets from a disreputable source. Turns out that one of them is severely ill.
Wheezing and gaping for air.
Hardly eating.
Hardly moving.
No discharge from eyes or nostrils
Not paralyzed
Poop yellowish

What could that be? I thought maybe infectious bronchitis?

What can I do to help that bird breathing? She's really struggling for air.

The second pullet was in close proximity to her for several hours (transport box, cage). No point in separating them now, right?

Tried to upload a picture, it didn't work...
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You intuitively already have most of the answers to your questions.

It doubtful there is anything you can do to save this bird. These respiratory viruses are extremely contagious. If you have other chickens, don't go near them without first changing all your outer clothing and washing your hands.
And the second bird you bought is carrying the disease and should not be placed with your flock under any circumstances. I would return it to where you bought it and give them an earful. People selling diseased birds should also be reported to the authorities and shut down.
I am so sorry to hear this...

I went through this here - I'm sad to say it did not end well. I will no longer add to my flock unless I buy started pullets from an extremely reputable source, or hatch my own.

I agree with azygous and return the bird if possible. Practice good biosecurity by wearing different clothes/shoes around sick birds, your flock & visiting other's. Disinfect, disinfect, disinfect.

Good luck to you. :hugs

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