Pullet Hurt Wing


5 Years
May 3, 2018
Hello all,
I have a 12 week old Black Australorp that hurt her wing. It was my fault, I was holding her and she fell, I was being greedy with my love for her. She fell from about 4 feet up onto her left side and seemed a little shaken up afterwards. I gave her the night to “shake it off” but the next day her tail was down and and she had he wing drooping slightly (only about and inch lower) and was avoiding use of the wing. I checked the bones (as best I could) and only felt swelling in the radius/ulna area. I tried splinting and wrapping it just to immobilize it, but she took it off within 20 minutes. She is the same today. Still a bit swollen, tail down, slowing moving, not using wing to fly, but she will move it around to stretch and preen. Eating and drinking normal. What should I do? I feel so bad I did this to her. I just wanted to love her !
Accidents happen, we are human.
I think this is one of those cases where you just need to give her some time. It's likely just bruised and very sore. Sounds like she CAN move it, is just choosing not to because of the soreness. She will probably be just fine given time to rest and heal. If she goes off her food and water, or things change for the worse, then you can reassess.
Accidents happen, we are human.
I think this is one of those cases where you just need to give her some time. It's likely just bruised and very sore. Sounds like she CAN move it, is just choosing not to because of the soreness. She will probably be just fine given time to rest and heal. If she goes off her food and water, or things change for the worse, then you can reassess.
Accidents happen, we are human.
I think this is one of those cases where you just need to give her some time. It's likely just bruised and very sore. Sounds like she CAN move it, is just choosing not to because of the soreness. She will probably be just fine given time to rest and heal. If she goes off her food and water, or things change for the worse, then you can reassess.

Yes she can definitely move it full range. I think you’re probably right that she just needs time. I’m a bit of a worry wart when it comes to these things. Thank you for the help!

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