Pullet... no wait, Roo.... no wait, I dont know!

Sock Puppet

Grumpy Hen
10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
Mesa, Arizona
These were born on 2-10-10 (Ameraucana X)

This is Ipo, at first I thought it was a pullet but then I thought it was a roo, then I thought it was a pullet, then a roo... (you get the idea)


And this one is King (not sure of gender on this one either, but leaning towards roo)

And here is the whole gang...
The combs are pretty big and dark on both of them, plus both have ostrich legs. So far the feathers say pullet, but then I can tell they aren't fully developed yet for a pullet of that age. Which also says roo, they don't develop feathers as fast as hens. I can't tell on Ipo, but I think I see incoming saddle feathers on king. At the moment, I would call them both roos. But I would wait a few more weeks, just to be sure.
Its really hard to tell. The stance isnt quite as erect as my roo was at that age. What about their characterisics. Do they puff up and act territorial? My Roo did that but he was doing around the two new chickens that we had gotten. He didnt grow up with them so he puffed up his neck feathers to show them he was in charge.
Im waiting for sure, curiosity is just building and I finally had to ask

Ipo is going to be used for breeding in the Aloha Project whether pullet or roo. But King will be culled (sold) if its a boy.
Well, they are in with the big chickens so all I see them do is run

I have a friend that has one similar, but older that turned out to be a pullet though (stance, long legs, red comb) So keeping my fingers crossed.

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