Pullet or roo? Breed? 4 weeks old

X2 to the previous two posters, for an Andalusion to have so little crest at that age, it must be a pullet. If by some fluke it turns out to be a male I wouldn't keep it because such low levels of male hormones indicate some fault which may be hereditary.

Best wishes.
I cannot have a rooster. So if it turns out to be a male I would have to send it on it's way. I will update pic's in a few weeks. Trying to be careful because I shouldn't have any chickens were I live and well neighbors don't seem to mind hens as I share the eggs but have made it clear if they hear a rooster they will contact the city and well I would lose all my chickens :(
I cannot have a rooster. So if it turns out to be a male I would have to send it on it's way. I will update pic's in a few weeks. Trying to be careful because I shouldn't have any chickens were I live and well neighbors don't seem to mind hens as I share the eggs but have made it clear if they hear a rooster they will contact the city and well I would lose all my chickens

Sorry, but your neighbors sound a bit rude. Free eggs they will allow, but if you have a rooster, they won't ask you to get rid of it, they'll run straight to the authorities? What 'good' neighbors, to threaten you straight up yet accept blackmail in the form of free eggs, LOL!

Eh, maybe that's just my impression, either way I'd move house if I were you, in your circumstances it's generally a case of when, not if, neighbors decide to make trouble. Hens are just as capable of making a ruckus as roosters are and sooner or later, they most likely will go through a period of making a heck of a noise on a regular basis. If you want to keep chooks, if you're bitten with the chook-bug, you may want to consider moving somewhere that your neighbors aren't going to dictate your backyard activities to you.

Best wishes.
It' a Blue Andalusian. Mine has a WAY longer tail then my other chickens and she's a pullet, so I wouldn't worry about the tail.

We want to move... Someday we will. Right now we live in a plane jane neighborhood though and well shouldn't have any chickens at all... My neighbors have been nice enough to let's the hens stay but won't deal with a rooster... I think it is stupid but one day when I have land I am going to have some roo's... But until then have to play nice neighbor :(
Fair enough, many of us have been there. Some of us a few times. It's not much joy, lol! But that's just how it is sometimes. The first person to develop either a breed of noncrowing roosters, or a humane and safe way to decrow them, is going to be a millionaire. ;)

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