Pullet or Roo? Meet Mocha our Rhode Island Red .....well we just arent sure.


7 Years
Mar 19, 2012
Central Oregon
Mocha was sold to us as a 3 week old Pullet, but we,ve had suspicions that she might be a he. New to this so cant tell. She has a more pronounced comb then her sister of the same age, and her legs are bigger, but she doesnt have any roo behavior yet. I know some of you are great at telling just by looking so here is a few shots of her/him? Hope mocha is a she, our most curious bird, very loyal, and loves to be around us, and has taken to burying herself in the pine chips and letting the other girls peck them off her. (normal behavior?) Any input would be welcomed. Thanks!

I'm actually not seeing anything there that screams roo to me. My RIR roo was very obvious by four weeks of age. He had little pink wattles coming in and a pink comb versus the yellow comb the girls had. As far as your birds comb being more developed then some of the others... that's normal too. Sometimes they may be just a bit older or just developing faster. And the feet on your bird look pretty petite to me to be a roo, I suspect you've got a pullet.
looks juts like my girl did at 3 weeks. Nothing is screaming roo to me either. I have 2 red pullets and one did have a slightly bigger comb then the other but now its not as noticeable.... in fact the one in my pic is the one that had the bigger comb at first

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