Pullet or Roo?????


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 3, 2014
This is my friends 9 week old Cochin, I need some opinions, Pullet or Roo?
Thanks for the help!

Cockerel, and he is a mixed breed. His earlobes look to be partially white, and cochins should have yellow or blackish[on dark colors] legs, not pink, but the pink legs are dominant so he is crossed with something with pink legs and probably white earlobes.
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Cockerel, and he is a mixed breed. His earlobes look to be partially white, and cochins should have yellow or blackish[on dark colors] legs, not pink, but the pink legs are dominant so he is crossed with something with pink legs and probably white earlobes.
I was thinking mixed cockerel, also. Those white/pink legs lend themselves to Orpington or Sussex blood.

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