Pullet or Slow Developing Roo?


Free Ranging
Apr 21, 2018
Robertson County, TN
This is one of my chicks that I am watching and still confused about. She/He is a 10wk old Black Australorp. The comb is just now starting to turn but no wattles to really speak of. But the way the tail feathers are growing up and waterfalling down is unlike my chickens that I have so it had me going hmmm. And I've read that tail feathers aren't necessarily indicative of gender revealing so I'm just too much of a newbie to know for sure. Do I wait a while longer and just see how it keeps developing or any experts out there that have a firm opinion? I tried to take some good pics so I hope they help. The little booger wouldn't stand still for very long for me LOL. Thx!

I just LOVE the beautiful purples, teals and blues that shine through the feathers, don't ya'll?

I have one of these I'm watching too. I see why you have concerns. I would wait at least a few more weeks. If it is a cockerel male feathering should come in between 12-14 weeks. Australorps are gorgeous, their feathing reminds me of an oil slick.

I agree about the oil slick analogy. Very true. I have just fallen head over heels for them. And I remember commenting on one of your posts. This is one that I was talking about. I have one more that I might ask about another time. If it's a pullet, I'm ok with that. And if it turns out to be a cockerel, then I'm ok with that as well. I just don't know enough about feathering to be able to tell anything specific.

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