Pullet seems like she's trying to clear her throat?


8 Years
Apr 13, 2014
I live in New England and it rained today and was about 60 degrees. Our birds accidentally got shut out of the coop because the hen door blew closed. They were pretty soggy when I found them this evening. We've got them warming up in the coop now, but one of the pullets keeps lifting her neck up and acting as though she's trying to swallow or clear her throat. We brought her inside and offered her some mealworms which she ate, but then threw up.

Could she have a cold? Could something be stuck in her crop? Help!
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I also live in New England and had my girls out today. I have no idea what she could be doing. the only thing I could guess is that she has water down her trachea and not her esophagus. Good luck hope she is ok
It sounds like she has something in her crop. try massaging her crop and see if it feels like she has anything stuck. You can try getting a syringe filled with coconut oil or olive oil, feed it to her, and massage her crop right after to let what ever it is slide through. They can come through this, just keep massaging to help it pass! Good Luck let me know how it works out!
Thank you for your responses. After she threw up the mealworms she seemed to recover pretty quickly. Some grass came out too, so I think she just had something caught in her crop that she was finally able to clear. She seems just fine this morning. :)

Happy Friday!

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