Pullet sneezing for 9 weeks


6 Years
Jul 6, 2016
Green Ohio
One of my chicks started sneezing at five days old and hasn't stopped. Sometimes it gets worse and she wheezes for a day but usually she is bright eyed and bushy tailed and she is growing like a weed. There is some clear liquid in the sneezes but no thick mucus and her eyes look great. I have treated by using Vet RX, Save a Chick, Rooster booster and comfry and that usually gets rid of the wheezing but the sneezing remains. The other two chicks have sneezed occaisionally but not for more than a day or two before all symptoms stopping.

I want to put them outside and start side by side introducing them to the coop in a confined space that is fenced off but it is near enough for the hens to catch something if she sneezes on them.
If it's from the basement or her bedding though being outside might help. The chick is about ten weeks old now.
It could be something environmental causing the sneezing. Here are some examples for you to look into:
Ammonia fumes from soiled bedding, improper ventilation, mold or mildew spores, dust from dust bathing, inhalation of feed dust or inhalation of a feed granule, pesticide use, pollen and so on. All of these issues can be corrected or eliminated.

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