Pullets and heat


Jan 18, 2023
This has probably been asked but Im going to ask, I just received 8 11 week old Cochin bantams they appear to have all their feathers. The lady I got them from hasn’t put them out in a coop yet because it’s cold at night this time of year. I built a coop in preparation for them. My question is will they need a heat lamp in this low of temperature not ever being outside before? Everything I’m reading says at 6-8 weeks or after they have fully feathered they are good to go outside. I just don’t want to put them out there and something happen or they not be comfortable in this cold if they aren’t ready. Thanks In advance for the help.
I would leave them some sort of heat (if it's that cold in the coop/enclosure). They honestly would prob be okay without it (even at that age and never being outside) there are eight of them to share body heat. So by leaving it in there, if they want to use it (or need to) then at least they have it. But if you put it in and notice they don't use it at all take it out. If you don't have something for insulation put some hay or something thicker (shredded paper) down that they can use for a little insulation against the cold. 11 wks = 2.5 months. By this age they should be okay because they have each other. But just monitor conditions and as long as they are sheltered from moisture/wind they may be totally fine. If it were a single bird (even 2) i would say definitely heater. We take heaters away typically by a month (as long as everyone has feathered out) and sometimes we might get a cold snap, but even @ that age chickens are hardier than you think, even bantam cochins (we have about 8 or 9 of those).
I would leave them some sort of heat (if it's that cold in the coop/enclosure). They honestly would prob be okay without it (even at that age and never being outside) there are eight of them to share body heat. So by leaving it in there, if they want to use it (or need to) then at least they have it. But if you put it in and notice they don't use it at all take it out. If you don't have something for insulation put some hay or something thicker (shredded paper) down that they can use for a little insulation against the cold. 11 wks = 2.5 months. By this age they should be okay because they have each other. But just monitor conditions and as long as they are sheltered from moisture/wind they may be totally fine. If it were a single bird (even 2) i would say definitely heater. We take heaters away typically by a month (as long as everyone has feathered out) and sometimes we might get a cold snap, but even @ that age chickens are hardier than you think, even bantam cochins (we have about 8 or 9 of those).
Thank you very much. Makes me feel better. I’ve been going out and checking on them every couple hours. They seemed like they were doing good but I’ve never had chickens so it’s all new. I’ll be able to go to sleep now. Lol. Thanks again!
Thank you very much. Makes me feel better. I’ve been going out and checking on them every couple hours. They seemed like they were doing good but I’ve never had chickens so it’s all new. I’ll be able to go to sleep now. Lol. Thanks again!
I ended up putting one in on half the coop so they could decide.
I wouldn’t apply heat, personally. I would harden them off (like plants) over a few days. Out for the peak day temps for an hour or two, then back in and over 4 days or so I would increase the hours and then leave them out permanently. This is what I’ve done in the past when needing to reincorporate for medical issues etc.

This is just one method - but I never have lamps in my coop (fire hazard).

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