Pullets or Cockrels?!!?


Dec 1, 2015
I have always bought pre-sexed chicks, but this past year we hatched 15 babies. So, I seriously have no idea what sex they are. They are mixed breed- and I lost track of who the mother was, but I'm guessing. The dad was an ameraucana. I *think* out of the 15 that 5 are roos. But I honestly don't know. I'm posting pics of the ones I think might be cockrels. Please don't laugh at me because I have only had one rooster (and one of these guys looks just like his dad.) I did my best to get pics, but if I need better ones please let me know. I appreciate it!! The 4 bigger ones are 12 weeks today. The first one is almost 9 weeks 5 days.

10 weeks

12 weeks (Pretty sure the mom was a white leghorn.)

12 weeks (Mom was a dominique. We have 2 like this, but this one is bigger with a bigger comb.)

Bad pic, but the pretty brown one looks just like the dad... The one next to it is the one from the pic before.

12 weeks... The one with brown on the back. She/he is huge. Has thick legs and I *think* her saddle feathers are pointed. She/he has beautiful hackle feathers as well.

Tough to tell with some of those pictures. I can tell you for sure that the bird in pic 2 is a cockerel and the red-shouldered bird in pic 5 is also definitely a cockerel.

The barred bird is pics 3 and 4 is very likely a cockerel too. And I think the brown bird in pic 4 is also a cockerel due to plumage pattern.

That leaves the bird in pic 1. A better picture of its side profile would help. As it stands now I would lean cockerel on this one too based on comb and color pattern but I'm least sure on this one.

I think all 5 are probably cockerels.
Thank y'all so much! I'm hoping that's all the cockrels. I'm pretty positive about the rest of the flock.
Here is a side view of chicken #1 from the first post.

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