Pullets wont go into run.


10 Years
Feb 22, 2009
Union, KY
I just bought six pullets sunday. They wont stay in the run. They go down the ladder in the morning to eat then go right back up into the coop. They stay there all day. I had to put water in the coop because I was afraid the heat would get to them. I keep their food and water in the run. A few times I had to force them into the run with a broom because I had to do some repairs inside their coop and didn't want them to get injured.
The BYC er's here are pretty good about getting you some answers.

I have learned alot from them.

Do they have any shade in the run?

They may be using the coop to stay in the shade. It has been really hot.

I'm in Oklahoma and it has been over 100 this last week.

They need some time to adjust to their new world. Chickens don't tolerate change well. Just make sure they have what they need, wherever they are, and in a week or two they will come and go as if they had lived there all their life.
Your a chicken, about a foot tall, ripped out of your comfort zone and thrust into a new coop. You peer into the outside world and wonder if it is safe. Then you look up and see a large, dark, flaping tarp......Coop sounds kinda good to me too.


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