

8 Years
Sep 16, 2014
Avoca, indiana
I have a question about my chicken purchases. For all I know this could be standard, as I am sure sexing a freshly hatched chick is no easy task...... But I bought pullets from several different sources last year, breeder, 2 farm supplies, and ordered from hatchery. I still ended up having several roosters that of course we had to re-home because of our small flock. Is there any sorce that would lower my chances of this happening again? By the time we know they are roosters my daughter is very attached and it's not easy to find new homes for these guys.......

Hello there and welcome to BYC!

XxMingirlxX X2 Stick with the birds that can be sexed by feather coloring. You can't go wrong there!!

Some hatcheries are really good with sexing chicks. The chick sexer at Privett Hatchery here in New Mexico is fantastic. He is 99% accurate every time.

Good luck with your flock and we do welcome you to our flock!
Murray McMurray (sorry if I spelled their name wrong) has a 90% guarantee in which they will either refund you the money or send you more chicks. I have to double check but I think it is a refund....

(Edited due to spelling error)
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You can get sexed birds from My Pet Chicken and don't have to make large orders. or you could spend more and get' point of lay' pullets. Every one and his brother seems to be stuck with cockerels. My friend has had 3 "surprise" cockerels among pullets she has gotten. The last one was a 4 mos. silkie but, silkies are very difficult to sex.
Welcome to BYC, Kristi. Glad you decided to join our flock. X2 on getting sex linked birds. Black and Red Sex Links are hardy, friendly, and the best brown egg layers in the world, consistently churning out more than 300 eggs per hen per year. They are the brown egg layers used by laying houses as they are egg laying machines. My Black Sex Links have been especially friendly and persistent layers even in very cold winter weather. And Sex Links (which are sold under a lot of different labels) are readily available at most hatcheries. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
Most hatcheries guarantee 90-95% accuracy. Out of 30 hatchery chickens I am familiar with, one was a cockerel (almost 97% accurate).
Or has been mentioned, you can go with an auto sexing breed or sex links.
Sometimes if you buy locally and pay the pullet prices, they will make exchanges. I had gotten a breed I wamted at around 8 weeks when the breeder could tell the sexes apart and she said if any were roosters, she would exchange. None were.
Now about the chickens I have hatched myself.......
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