Pumped to be here!


Nov 3, 2016
Hi everyone. A big hello from Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. My neighbour recommended this website for all-things-chicken. My husband and I live on 40 acres of mountain outside of the small town of Nelson (10,000 people). We have had chickens most of our 25 years together, but it has mostly been my husband who has run the show. I figure it is my turn to learn about chickens. Currently we have seven mixed hens and a handsome rooster. I'm frustrated that the ladies aren't laying - it could be the time of year but also some of them are serious seniors! I'm looking to start fresh with a new batch of hens. But first I need to read, read, read.
Greeting, Katiecluck, and
! Pleased you joined our flock! Seems like in the past week I've welcomed two or three new chicken folks from BC! Here's a link to Canadian members on BYC if you'd like to connect: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/144/canadians-check-in-here
And if like to read in order to catch up on the learning curve, there is no better place than the Learning Center here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center

Best wishes to you and your flock and thanks for joining BYC!!
Very nice to meet you Katie. Love your avatar, I see you have' boulders' laying around too. Our part of town was built over a quarry many, many years ago. We can't dig down more than 6 inches without striking some ' pebble' or denting the shovel. We used to try and dig some out but, it made the ground drop a couple feet. We didn't have any dirt to fill the hole, so just put the boulders back.
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Ha ha ha drumstick diva! We were recently hiking in beautiful Moab,Utah - where my avatar picture was taken. But yes, we too are situated on a lot of rock. 25 years of gardening the same spot and we STILL unearth large rocks on a regular basis.
What a lovely welcome - thanks, everyone! Looking forward to reading up on all-things-chickens, and learning more about the folks on this site.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens! So glad you could join us! You have your reading cut out for you, so I'll just say hi and let you get on with it! :frow

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