Puppy Emergency - Update - She's better - It was Cocci

I was thinking of your pup all last night. How is she now? Bless you and her. Let us know how she's doing.
Well, it's the darndest thing - she's outside right now playing with her brother and eating and drinking. For the past couple of mornings she's good by day and deathly ill by night - which is why the vet doesn't think Parvo - said she would be dead or better but not off and on.

She only had clear diarrhea, or vomiting, again between 6 a.m. and 7:30 but it was clear with no smell. Then we let her outside and she started playing with her brother and ate and drank. We're off to church and I'll keep watching her closely.

Thank you all for your concern and prayers and your information. Maybe it is Cocci as the vet suspects and the Sulmet seems to be working.

PC, I read that black and tan dogs, for whatever reason, are more prone to get Parvo. I'm so sorry you lost your litter - that had to be truly heartbreaking. As I watched poor Scout last night, I did some heavy duty praying. It's amazing how these animals can touch your heart and soul so.
I have not read all the posts and I don't know if anyone suggested this or not, but cooked rice would be much gentler on his digestive system, than other foods...also, small amounts of pedialite, given regularly might help. My labraor was very ill at about 9 weeks. This diet really helped. Also, only feed a very small amount at a feeding... liquieds are more important. Could he have eaten something, i.e., clothing ietems, garbage'etc., possibly causing a blockage (they can get diarrhia with that.)
I have heard cases where homeopathic remedies have cured many illnesses for animals. I looked up homeopathic vets and was able to find one in NC (where I am) that gives phone consults. Go to www.charlesloopsdvm.com and view his site if interested. Phone # (910)542-0442.
I have seen these remedies work wonders in people, too. Good luck!

I just finished reading all the other posts. If you think she has injested anything poison activated charcoal can be given and will absorb the toxins. I used this successfully to treat my two German shepherds that ate rat poison - along with Vit K. You can mix it with water (I used chciken broth) and give it to her with a syringe, or can give it in capsule form.
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It sounds like parvo. I'm so sorry. This puppy should be at the vet's on IV's yesterday! Get her there ASAP. They can do a quick test that will confirm, but in the meantime she should be on fluids now.
Often if a puppy is wormy and/or has a weakend immune system, giving them their puppy shot will bring on the sickness. and yes, the shot they gave her had the parvo vaccine in it.
Waiting with her in that shape is only hurting her chances of survival.
If she has been eating chicken poop, it very well could be Salmonella...whatever the cause, she still needs to be seen by a Vet.
A couple years ago I had a friend that someone dumped 2 black chow pups in her yard.After a couple weeks the pups one day just up & got sick vomiting & started having diarrhea.It was a dark color with blood mixed in.And yes it was an awful smell one you will never forget..I know I havent!!! My friend didnt know what she was dealing with & within 3 days both pups were dead.And yes parvo is very contagious & can stay on your yard for years.

A couple years later friend at same place got a brindle female pitbull pup.Couple weeks she too was sick & had diarrhea.Took her to the vet & he treated her with some kind of shot just under her skin on her side.It left like a lump & vet said it would be absorbed & was like a time release med.Told friend to feed her rice w/boiled chicken.It costed them around $500.00 in vet bills but she pulled through.

I'll pray that your puppy doesnt have parvo.But by what you describe & the smelly diarrhea thats what it sounds like.You really need an experienced vet.
Hi All - thanks so much for your concern and suggestions. I did want to clarify that the puppy has been seen by the vet, on Friday, and the vet did a phone consultation on Saturday night. It's Sunday, Easter Day and there's no vet to be found but our vet said I could call her if the puppy didn't improve. Also, the only "emergency vet clinic" is 40 miles away in Natchez and guess who that vet is???? Yep, same vet. BUT...the puppy is outside, walking around, playing, eating and drinking so the vet said there would be no need to do IVs or sub-q fluids as long as she's drinking and playing. I did stay up all night and give her syringes of vitamin water just to add extra fluids but this morning she looks fine and just finished following me all over the yard. She was also outside eating her puppy chow this morning. It's starting to seem like she does have Cocci or maybe Salmonella as suggested or some other stomach upset. I do know she and her brother eat everything they can find and particularly love to eat the duck, peacock, and chicken poop from the coop and off the walkways (Yum, Yum). I don't think she could have gotten into any poisons because we don't buy or use them but that doesn't mean she didn't find something under the house or in one of the old buildings or barn around here but I've looked and can't find anything.

This particular puppy has had issues from day one. When we got them she was very lethargic and did not poop for the first two days. Of course, again, a weekend, so I gave her Panacure which I keep on hand and she began pooping and eating and playing and by Tuesday when they got their first vet visit they tested negative for worms. But these are the puppies that the vet said she knew the "breeder" didn't take care of and every puppy she's seen from that place had huge worm loads and ear mites. Both puppies had ear mites. The vet said she knows they had worms and it was a good thing I gave the Panacure and to repeat in three weeks. Well, this weekend was three weeks and she became lethargic again and again had light gums and on Friday that was the only thing the vet suspected - was worms.

It's possible the vet will come to town tomorrow to see her if she's not any better but it looks like she is. She will be seen on Tuesday if the vet doesn't have to make an emergency visit on Monday.
im no expert

Parvo - the puppy would have blood in his/her poo, also mucus in their poo. they also will not drink water, dehydrated, vomit a white mucus, lethargic. also the hair around their nose/face will kind of go funny.

I have had 2 dogs with parvo so im just going on what when on with me.

once u have had a dog with parvo u never forget it, and can spot it a mile away

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