Puppy Poo....


10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Jefferson, Wisconsin
I'm having problems with my four month old puppy that I just got on Wednesday. He's been having diahhrea (sp?) today - really runny - it was the consistency of chocolate milk (guess who won't be drinking that for a while!).

DeSoto is a 4 month old GP/doberman mix, he's eating Purina Puppy Chow (was going to switch him over to adult food but I don't want to mess with his tummy now), other than the poo he's healthy - eating and drinking and playing. Because of his tummy issues I switched him over to rice and ground turkey for supper tonight.

He was chewing on one of the bigger dog's rawhides when he first came home - could that be part of the problem? Anyone have any ideas on what it might be, or what I can do to help him?
uh... what color was it? If it's really dark like chocolate ... he really needs to be seen by a vet. I don't want to put a scare into you, but parvo can occur even after vaccinations in some dogs - has he had his vaccines? --- also, GSDs can have weird tummy troubles.
I don't want to rule out any potential problems, but it sounds like common re-homing stress to me. You've only had him for two days? Definitely stress. It should go away within the week. I would just keep an eye out for any other symptoms and watch the color of the poo as Silkifan suggested. Don't be switching around the food too fast either, as you mentioned. He should be fine.
Its not the dark color, its more of a lighter brown. He wasn't having this issue before - De Soto was my cousin's dog, so I am sure she'd be truthful with me.

Having baby animals is horrible for chronic worriers like me. I see runny poo and I freak... I think I'm going to pour myself a drink and wait it out.

Would you keep up the rice/grd turkey for meals until his tummy gets straightened out?
Yes, I would feed him something bland but not too much of it if he is still having the runs. Make sure he drinks and doesn't get dehydrated. Somtimes the best thing to do to get something like that under control is withold food for 24 hours to let his digestive system calm down.

Good luck and please keep us updated on how De Soto is doing!
Last night wasn't much better - poor De Soto was up twice during the night with diahhrea, still really watery. He keeps drinking, so that's a good sign. I'll try withholding the food today - maybe that will help.
Sounds like you had better pick up some pedialite (sp) to get his electrolites back up where they belong. Vet recommended it when we took Mom's chow w/same symptoms. Dog ended up getting a shot and meds; Doc said her system out of balance, good bacteria off.

You don't allow him to drink milk; right? That will give them runs.

Perhaps a small amount of yogert, live cultures are beneficial. (Also dairy so easy does it).

You were feeding the same food as your cousin was, so that's not it.

Please don't let this continue much longer with out help from your vet...the other dogs OK?

& good luck! Sally
It always amazes me how people post "Help me" threads like this. Why not just run him in to the vet to rule out any problems? Wouldn't it be better to be safe than sorry? If your child was sick, would you allow them to pooh their brains out or would you take them to the doctor?
Definately get some electrolytes in him. If he becomes lethargic or stops wanting to eat, and/or you see any blood in the stool you need to get him to the vet ASAP.
When I worked at the vet we would give a liquid called "Biosol". You can buy it at the feed store here. It is for cattle. It is a very large bottle, and I don't know how much it is, but your pup would only need 1/2 - 1 cc twice a day and it will clear up the tummy problems (as long as it isn't cocci, etc). The experation on the bottles is like 5 years or more and you can keep it to use with any type of stomach upset. You might give that a try. You might call the vet and ask if they can recommend something for you to give him.

Also, he shouldn't be switched to an adult food until he is 1 year old.

Hope he feels better soon!

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