Puss in chickens eye


Mar 27, 2022
I will attach some pics but I noticed one of my girls squinting. Her eyes watery, swollen, and when I pull it taught a little some puss comes out of it. What is it and what do I do?


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It looks more like a respiratory disease, such as mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG.) It looks like nasal drainage, as well as a gunky eye. I would clean the eye twice a day with saline, and apply to Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin into the eye twice a day. If you have Tylan or tylosin, that can be used orally as well.
It looks more like a respiratory disease, such as mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG.) It looks like nasal drainage, as well as a gunky eye. I would clean the eye twice a day with saline, and apply to Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin into the eye twice a day. If you have Tylan or tylosin, that can be used orally as well
How about Duramycin? TSC was out of terramycin and Tylan


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That might work, but it is a cattle antibiotic that is injected once and again every 3 days. It can treat MG respiratory disease in chickens. Here is an older thread where in post 1, a vet gave the person a dosage for chickens:

You may also treat with injectable Tylan 50 from a feed store, or Tylosin generic powder to put in the water. Jedds.com is a good place to get Tylosin.

I would try to press out any pus from around the eye, along with flushing the eye with saline. You can use plain Neosporin in the eye if you can‘t get Terramycin.

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