put call duck eggs uner a broody hen?


12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
My one call duck has laid 12 eggs now. I have a silkie hen who has just gone broody. If I put 3-4 of the eggs under her, I'm pretty sure she'll set the 28 days. If they hatch, will she raise them? Most all of all of our chickens have been mom-raised. How will the ducks learn to swim? I'd be very interested in anyone's experience with this.
I have heard of this before and I've heard it has been successful. Maybe on the learning to swim... maybe you will need to take over when the times right and pop them onto the water, not sure how that will pan out! Good luck!
Yes she can raise them. The issues is usually when ducks raise chicks because the chicks are taken to water and end up drowning. Yes your ducklings will learn to swim on their own with no issues.

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