Put your cold weather tips in comments!!

I'm so sorry for all you folks down south and the birds. You can tell I'm a serious chicken keeper that's the first place myind went when I heard about your weather while it's 12 below wind chill outside!! @$&+-_#:wee:plbb.
Keep their water thawed!. Buy another waterer and trade out any frozen or dump water through the day and replace.
I make a warm mash and feed every morning and add some protein and a little cooked oatmeal for example.
I give them extra protein such as cat food, tuna, sardines, catfish food, extra blk sun. seeds, eggs, etc.
Make sure their feed is plentiful as mine eat way more in cold.
If possible lock them in coop to keep them warmer for a day or two. ( That's why I always keep numbers under capacity of coop in case).
This year we put up wind barrier on sides of run to keep our snow and bitter winds at bay for them.
I never use heat lamps but mine are used to it and are acclimated to this cold. For y'all it's a different story. So keep them out of draft so they don't chill. Good luck and God Bless y'all
When planning your next coop, plan to have the entrance on the opposite side of the wind. If that is not viable, place a windbreak in front of the entrance. I am using a sturdy shed as the windbreak.

If your chickens won't come outside because of snow, shovel a path for them. It's better for them to get outside in the sunshine (and spread the manure out of the coop).
When they wanna get warm to go inside the coop. If they wanna get really warm they snuggle next to the heat panels on the back walls of the lower and upper deck of their coop. If they want a change of scenery, they go in the dog house covered in a tarp inside with a roost. If they wanna dust bathe they go in dust bath. If they wanna go in the snow they go out from the overhang and into the snow. If they wanna be active they pull apart and scatter the straw bale, if they want a treat, they pick at a hanging cabbage, or whatever we find. Today, they are being served one of the pumpkin we harvested for them for the winter months. Since we retired, our chickens are spoiled.
Natural Self Heating Heater, made from dirt floor with compost pit. Stuff used is the chickens manure, straw, pine shavings, & leaves/pine needles.

Rest of the coops I do the deep pack litter method, since they don't have dirt floors, it's not as great as the natural heater.
We actually got down to -3 last night, and -12 is on tap for tonight. That is very unusual for this part of Tennessee. I did enclose the coop pretty well, but I'm going to go put up another wind shield to prevent a draft. They have great ventilation, but I don't want a draft going through there.

We do give them warm oatmeal each morning, and their food is kept full. The water barrel doesn't freeze, but the little water cups do, so I always bring hot water with me to pour in and thaw the water cups.

I gave them a big helping of scratch yesterday and also a good batch of mealworm. We also feed them pretty much any leftovers we have every couple of days. They seem to be very happy, although I'm no chicken whisperer. They are active when we visit them, and they love to jump up and get at whatever it is we are bringing them. LOL They are so cute!!

We have six, but we're going to get more in the spring.

Stay warm, friends!!
Its been very cold here . Two days ago it was - 20 in the day -38 at night. Today its -8.
I put up tarps around the run, but with the snow drift the open part made the snow to deep for the chickens.
I also use the deep litter method.
I have food and water inside. I take water out every 1 to 2 hours.
My chickens are locked in the coop because of the cold weather.
I also double check to make sure there are no drafts. And i give out corn and oatmeal
We were wondering if it's OK to let our chickens run around in the snow just because of our concern for their feet freezing. We are relatively new to chicken rustling, so we'd appreciate your direction! Thanks!! :)
This was some of our silkies last week when it was 20F. Some chose not to come out. We heat our coop to 35F/40F so they thaw their feathered feet out then. In this bitter cold as of late, nope, they keep confined to the coop and pen. 1-6-24 adventure.jpg

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