Putting chicks under a broody *New pics added on page 4!*


15 Years
Jun 23, 2008
North Carolina
I have two eggs currently under my broody silkie. They are due tomorrow. I'm 99% sure that one isn't going to make it because when I candled the other day it didn't look good. Only one may make it.

IF it doesn't make it, I want to put some store bought chicks under mama to break her of her broodiness since she's been this way for almost a year. My rooster is a small banty that can't mate with the hens (he can't....reach...perform....if you know what I mean) so I have no fertile eggs. I got the current eggs from a coworker.

When can I put the chicks under her and how often do the broody hens accept chicks that they didn't hatch themselves?
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If the one hatches, wait until night time and place the store bought baby chicks under her. Make sure you keep the egg shell under her so she thinks she hatched them. Your silkie will except them....just make sure it's at night.

If you don't think that other egg will hatch, make sure you remove it because it could explode, leaving a stinky mess.
I have always heard to do it at night time. But, I took a baby silkie that I hatched a couple of weeks ago outside for some playtime today. I decided to take it over to my broody silkie hen just to see what she would do. I sat the baby down in front of her. It chirped, then she chirped and the baby ran to her. She nuzzled it right up under her wing. I just watched for 5 minutes or so, and no problems.

Edited for spelling!!
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I'm heading to hopefully get some chicks right now. I'll post pics when I get home and then let you know if mom accepts them tonight after I put them under her!
OH MY GOSH!!! This was awesome! I got 6 chicks from the bantam assortment. I got silkies and others that I don't know about. One has a big round ball of fluff on it's head. What could that be?

BUT the amazing thing is that I came home, got my silkie that was laying on an unfertile egg and put her in a brooder with the egg. Then I came in with the box of chicks. My silkie (her name is Cloudy) started clucking and carrying on like crazy. I put the chicks in the brooder with her one by one and she was so happy! She immediately started pulling them towards her and putting them under her. Once they all got settled and quieted down, I removed the egg. This is GREAT because I don't have to worry about a heat lamp now since Cloudy took them right under her!

I'll take more pics later. I don't want to disturb them right now since Cloudy has them all crammed up under her.



Isn't it though?! I wish I had my camera on video so you all could have seen her carrying on when she first heard them and then when I put them in with her. She was ecstatic! I wanted to cry. She's been broody for almost a year now and finally got what she wanted.

All of the chicks have feathered feet, so what could they be? They all look different except the gray one...I got two of those. I promise I'll take pictures of the chicks individually later.

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