Putting different breeds together?

My flock is about half Buff Orpington and half Australorp (about 22-23 of each breed). I did have a free chick from a different breed (I think it was an EE) included with my hatchery order but it got picked on a lot and one day we found it dead in the coop.
I have 6 BO's, 5 Welsummers, 5 Americaunas, 5 EE's, 2 RLBW's, and 5 mystery chickens (White Leghorns?).... And they all seem to get along pretty well. There are a few skirmishes here and there, but for the most part they seem to tolerate each other.
I have all mine together (except the "baby babies" (I start to merge the new babies at about 10 weeks with the main flock)) and we have a VERY mixed flock inc a couple bantam sized birds, guineas and turkeys - with enough space they all get along
It is fun to have a mixed flock and a multicolored egg basket
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My large flock is comprised of all sorts of chickens, a few ducks and (right now) a young gander. (The goose is still a gosling and there are some chicks her age she's growing up with, separately.... until I merge them into the full flock.)

I have some of just about everything except silkies, polish, and game bird breeds. There are bantam breeds in amongst the standard breeds. It's probably the most eclectic "backyard" flock in this part of the state of California.

Let me see if I can start to list the breeds, but I bet I'll still miss some.
Large fowl:
Orpington (Buff, Blue, white....)
Rhode Island Red
Plymouth Barred Rock
Easter Egger
Jersey Giants
Black Australorp
White Leghorn
Cuckoo Marans
Golden Lakenvelder
Black Copper Marans
Wheaten Ameraucana
Light Brahma
Wyandottes, Silver Laced, Golden Laced, Blue Laced

Bantam breeds and/or versions:
Silver Sebright
Dark Brahma
Buff Brahma
Easter Egger
Porcelain D'Uccle
Mille Fleur D'Uccle

They's all chickens.

Plus, they get along with the Cayuga and call ducks, and now the Toulouse ganderling.

Everybody ranges freely. They make their own decisions about which coop - and with which of their flock mates - they want to roost.

Edited to add breeds I remembered later...
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Right! I have a small flock of 5 and we are the united nations of chickens here. I have a Leghorn, an Easter Egger, a Barred Rock, a Golden buff and a Cuckoo Maran.

They are just fine together! Hoping to get the united nations of egg colors too!
Thank you all! I wanted a few different breeds and I am sure I will adding as well

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