Putting eggs under broody hen at different times

Boiled Octopus

8 Years
Feb 9, 2012
Wiltshire, UK
Hi folks,

I have a broody bantam hen (lost the rest of my flock unfortunately) that I am using to hatch some eggs. On 20th June I put six fertile mixed bantam eggs underneath her and all seem to be good having done some candling.

Today (28th June) my friend down the road gave me (after much pestering) 7 small Dutch bantam eggs which I have also put underneath her and she is sitting on. I lost my Dutch bantams to a fox and desperately want them back, hence my wanting to get some hatchlings.

Anyway, my question is thus: Does it matter if you put eggs under a hen at different times? If the first lot hatch whilst she is still sitting on eggs, will she abandon them, or stay sitting? The time span between the new batch of eggs put underneath her is 7 days.

Advice greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)
A day or so after the first chicks hatch, she normally abandons any eggs that are still unhatched in order to raise her chicks, take them to fod and water and watch over them as the explore and forage.
Well this is a difficult question. She will only sit so long after the first round hatches if you leave them with her. If you take them maybe you will get her to sit longer and hatch the second round of eggs but it is kind of a hit or miss thing. I know we had to put chucks under our broody hen because the eggs she was sitting on had been ruined, she took care of them all even the two Easter egger chicks I got two days later. Hope this helps.
So I may need to artificially incubate if she abandons the other eggs?
Yes. She's most likely going to leave the nest before the second set of eggs hatched, so keep an incubator ready (if you have one) to finish them off.

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