Putting together Cheep Ghetto Coops over big extravigant Coops..


7 Years
Jan 3, 2013
Boise Idaho
As for me I dont have alot of money were i can spend hundereds of dollars to get me a really nice fancey coop. And in my eyes all i really need is a good safe space for all my girls and ducks at night just to keep the pesky Coons away.. This summer i had a coon problem braking in my coop i did buy and killed 5 chickens this year :/ .... So me and mom went to town on building an area in my back yard big enough for them to live in and safe to keep the coons out.. I guess we probly spent about $260 or so for all the matterials yes that could of bought me another small chicken coup to put all the girls in.. But i am taking some shop classes at the collage so i can probly build my own this spring gona build another one but bigger to hold up to my 12 chickens and 3+ ducks.. But here is my Ghetto Design for now and it has worked even through our harsh winter and has kept them all safe and warm :D

10x10x10 Dog run
1ft tall 10ft long PVC pipe on top
4 10x2 across the top w/ chicken wire laying across the boards
2 10x5 ply woods on top of the pvc pipe to give the roof an arch
10x10 Tarp on top tied down to keep the wet weather out of the area
4 5x10 Tarps on the sides to help keep the wind out
Chicken wire is layed down on the out side of the pen streaching about 1-1.5ft along the ground and posted in the ground and ziptied by slipping it threw the bottum of the pin on the inside.. so that is all i've done and ever since i have done this i have had coons try to get in but have not successfully made it.. It works thats for sure And its deffently Ghetto but all my babies love it and feel very safe.. I do have one little Chicken Coop in there along with a Dog house they all transfer back and forth from each home but to be honest 8 Hens and 3 Ducks will all cram just in the one coop right now and cuddle up to keep warm.
I do lay fresh dry straw every week on the ground and in there homes. and i hang there water and food from the 2x4x10 with tarps.. putting this all to gether maybe took me about 3 hrs cause i had to cut and do all the massurements and stuff as well..
So if you cant aford something extravigant here is an idea and way till you can either aford or build one like i am doing. When i build my new coop i will be putting in side this area as well as i do enjoy knowing my girls/boys feel safe inside it :D

" Biggest thing to remember if you decide to make this Gheto Coop like mine, and you have some Coops you want to be in the area, make sure you put the coups at least in a possition they are inside the Dog Run, as the Doors are not big enough to get them through"

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Best way to do it. We built our coop for $11.50. It's actually pretty nice. We have 6 hens and a welsh harlequin drake- what kind are you ducks?
I have no idea what kind my ducks are as they are rescues, but i do have 2 black magpies but there at a friends house right now, i should maybe some day look and see what kind my ducks are cause i would like to know

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