Quaaaack, Quaaaack, Quaaaack, all day long! Any advice?


In the Brooder
Mar 31, 2016
I have one female runner who, for the past few months, has been increasingly noisy. The neighbor is understandably getting annoyed (although they have their share of animal noises in their yard.) I have tried almost everything to get her to stop short of getting rid of her.

- Water is fresh and replenished every day
- Food is constantly available
- Daily pile of treats (spinach, chopped cucumbers, melon, etc)
- Not one but two swimming areas (one muddy pond and one kiddie pool of fresh water)
- Free range of a 40 X 50 foot area with plenty of weeds, bushes, shady patches, bugs, etc to investigate

The other 7 ducks are calm and quiet, but she quacks loudly and angrily all day long. Even while she's doing seemingly happy activities like preening, grazing, or has her mouth full of chow, you can still hear her muffled quack.

What's her deal?
New ducks were added to the flock back in April. At that time, we also added the fence to confine them to the "limited free range." But the quacking has been only for the last 3 months or so, steadily increasing. No new changes I can think of in that time.
Maybe sit and watch her and maybe you can figure out what is setting her off and maybe it is something she is seeing then you can block that section off? Could there be a dog in the next yard that is making her feel unsecure?

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