Quack shack and runs... How to build the safest run?


6 Years
Jul 18, 2013
So Duckie's house is nearly finished, and I am working on clearing the area to put it and build the run.

But I am seriously worried about preds. We saw a fox out back last fall, and I occasionally get a skunk in the crawlspace under my house. Plus, dogs have also been an issue, relieving me of my chickens years ago and showing me how not-pred-proof my rabbit hutch was. My Koi pond has been there for 9 years, and I've never had issues with that, so hoping that means no coons around. The duck house has double layer walls and reinforced joints and big hasps with clips to keep the double layer access doors shut, so I am fairly confident in that being safe. The run however, I need ideas. Available for immediate use, I have 1/2" hardware cloth, chain link fencing, dog fence, and that "rabbit fence" designed to keep the bunnies out of the garden.

Is chicken wire good enough to keep things from burrowing IN? I used it in the floor of the dog run to keep her from digging out, and it worked for that. Hoping the same design will work for ducky run. Yes, I cover it well with gravel and bedding, so no toes get injured.

Also, can I do the bottom half in 1/2" hardware cloth to keep things from reaching in or a duck face from poking out, and use something cheaper for the upper part? It needs to be high enough I can get in there to clean it and change the pool water etc. I also plan to enclose the top, part of which will be solid cause our summer sun is brutal.

Any other run suggestions welcome. Thanks.
DON'T use chicken wire. Predators can tear through that stuff like paper. (Not literally) It is weak to attacks though. 1/2 inch hardware cloth is probably your best choice if that if what is available. For my duck coop, I used 2 by 3 inch wiring. I have Two layers of hardware cloth for the sides of the run.
You could for the upper part so long as the birds cannot access it and the base is strong, chain link, welded wire etc. It is often done that way. I have never done the bury in the ground thing but i mainly free range birds and use buildings overnight, pred proof pens cost way to much.

patio stones, rocks are a good base around pens IMO.. usually though if it's burying wire it's hardward cloth. It really does depend on your pred factor, some will take to a string of electric. I also like lights about, even if it's just cheap solar ones.

Good luck! i'd do a search for duck pens, many pics, threads should pop up.
With what you have, I'd do chain link fence for the run and wrap the lower part with your hardware cloth.
If you are concerned about predators digging in, you can dig down a bit and sink some hardware cloth or lay it out as an apron around the pen and then put stones or pavers on top of it (or dirt/sod)

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