Quail are my next obession!


5 Years
Jan 10, 2016
Western PA
Hello all! I finally did it! Got an old rabbit hutch and some quail! All coturnix and different colors. I have 2 males and 10 females.
I have chickens as well, so I had to fence them off to keep the chickens away.
White male is Fabio and the brown is Jack Sparrow. I'm not naming the females as I plan on using them for other reason.
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I have a few of each color of females. I think some are jumbo because they're so plump! LOL! I hope the lower ratio of males will allow the girls to get some of their feathers back!
I have been thinking about it also so how is the hutch working out? Can they get out on the ground or do you just keep them in the hutch? Are they pets or eggs and meat sorry for questions just curious with a new quail person
Hello Yvonne1!
Very nice names hehe! welcome to the quail lovers, i'm new too. I had quails when i was a child of 8-9 years old, then i was very crazy for pheasants and other birds. Now, at 21 age, i feel the passion is coming back haha.
They're so beautiful, i have also a white male.
Yeah I too consider quail an obsession. I started out with 6 two years ago. I currently have 88 quail and over 200 eggs in the incubator, lol. I've been building more cages today....

They are fascinating little birds. Grow like weeds and have interesting personalities. I would love to build some kind of aviary one day so I can raise some in a more "natural" environment. I currently have them for meat and eggs...

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