Quail breed - How loud are the Roos?


8 Years
Oct 4, 2011
N. Cal
Hello all,

I have chickens and have been concidering getting into raising Quails - for eggs and meat. However, I'm worried about the noise. Normal little sounds are just fine of course, but I'm worried about the Roo's crowing. Is it as loud as a chicken Roo? Is it triggered the same way - sunrise, sounding the alarm, etc? Their pen would be somewhat close to a neighbor - a couple hundred feet, and I don't want to disturb them. I've read that Coturnix tend to be friendliest, but also the loudest. Is one breed known as a quiet breed?
I have coturnix and they are very quiet. They mainly seem to crow during "mating season" and the most noise I ever had from mine was when I had to separate one of my roos from his ladies. He crowed once every couple of minutes or so. I seriously considered making him into dinner, lol. But seriously, they are pretty quiet. Here is a youtube video of a cot crowing. This is not my video or my bird, just sharing for informational purposes.


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