Quail Breeding? Should I?

I'm asking this guy for his rolling pigeons but he hasn't answered back

If they are adults and have a homing instinct, they may return to him. I got five-week-olds so that they did not yet have an established home. You could possibly get the pigeons to recognize your loft as their home by keeping them contained in it for a month or so. Hope this helped.
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So I'm planning on getting some jumbo and regular sized coturnix quail. I am planning to start a breeding program, I was actually surprised, my dad actually said it was ok to get up to 100 quail for my breeding program!!! :weee SO EXCITED!!! Just gotta find some good birds
How big are a jumbo' s eggs anyway the picture I saw was the size of half this guy's hand
The eggs I've collected have varied, 8-16g, but it seems to be 11-12 grams for the jumbos on average. A little bigger than a bouncy ball (if a ball was egg shaped anyway). I read that many professional breeders that are trying to increase the size hatch 14g eggs.

When the eggs are really big like in the picture you saw, it's probably because it contains 2 yolks. You generally don't want to try and hatch those- the chicks don't have room to develop properly. I'm new to raising quail and thought I would have massive chicks when my first birds started laying and a few of the eggs were gigantic... but out of a dozen over-sized eggs that I cracked out of curiosity only one had a single yolk, so I haven't tried to incubate any or them. Seemed too risky :/

Good luck!
This is the picture I saw. I want to get the jumbo coturnix just to try something... big!!!


The egg is huge it takes up the middle of his/her hand!!!
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This is the picture I saw. I want to get the jumbo coturnix just to try something... big!!!

The egg is huge it takes up the middle of his/her hand!!!

I wanted jumbo coturnix too. The egg in that picture is crazy big!! Small world, that is the picture that was used on the listing I just purchased. It was 50 eggs for $25- they came in the mail quickly and were well packaged. Here is a picture of the biggest one from their shipment, it was 14.2 grams. For perspective, the egg is a good size and I have average woman's hands, my palm just looks really big because of the camera angle, I think.

I wanted jumbo coturnix too. The egg in that picture is crazy big!! Small world, that is the picture that was used on the listing I just purchased. It was 50 eggs for $25- they came in the mail quickly and were well packaged. Here is a picture of the biggest one from their shipment, it was 14.2 grams. For perspective, the egg is a good size and I have average woman's hands, my palm just looks really big because of the camera angle, I think.
I would order some but I'm having bad luck with quail chicks now so I'm thinking of just getting adults till my luck changes. That is one big egg!!!
My luck is changing quicker than I thought. Sadly it was a bit too late but I had 11 bobwhite chicks and all died except one. And apparently I must've solved the problem to the deaths. I mean I'm happy to solve the issue but sad that it took me so long to figure it out :/
Now I'm not sure if I found the problem because the chick died a few days ago :( :hit

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