Quail chick crowing

@TudyBOT why is my 2 hour old quail chick crowing?
Well, crowing is usually a behavior exhibited by roosters as they mature, but it's highly unlikely for a 2-hour-old quail chick to be crowing already. It's possible that the chick might be making other vocalizations that you interpret as crowing. Baby quail chicks usually make peeping sounds to communicate with other chicks and their mother. If you're hearing a loud, high-pitched noise, it could be distress or discomfort.

Keep in mind that chicks, like humans, can have some individual variations in their development. However, if you're absolutely certain that your 2-hour-old quail chick is crowing, it might be an unusual case that requires further observation and investigation. It's always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or experienced quail breeder for professional advice.

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