quail dropping dead


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 24, 2012
HELP my cornix and a&m chicks are dropping dead. clean water temp about 90, clean pen every day. running strong get sleeppy acting and fall over,soon dead after that. they are 4 days old. feeding 24% med. crumble from tractor supp. PLEASE HELP THANKS
Hi - I think we need a little more info.....take a breath and give us as much information as you can and we can try to help. :)

What kind of a brooder are they in? More details you give us, the better. Where is the brooder located?

Do you have a heat lamp on them?

Are they in there alone or with anything else?

What is on the floor of your brooder? If you have shavings down, please let us know the type of shavings.

Did you hatch them yourself or get them as chicks from somewhere?

Are you giving them just plain water?

What does their poop look like?
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they are in a plastic pool with news paper down,i have a heat lamp on and trying to keep it 90.but weather 102 to 105 is making it hard.clean water 2 times a day.one with eletriclights and the other is clean water.clean cage every day.i hatched them and they are alone,nothing else in with them.hope this helped
It sounds like heat exhaustion to me. I'd move the water further from the lamp. They won't drink if the water is hot. Also consider changing the water more often if possible so that it's cool enough. If that doesn't work, you can get one of the ice pack inserts for water bottles that you put in a sport bottle, freeze it half-way and then put that in the bottle to keep the water cooler. Just make sure it's not all the way frozen as that could make your water toooo cold.
Try to keep it at 101 degrees Fahrenheit if there baby's!!! But once they are 2-3 weeks keep them at room temperature! Also don't let there water sit in the head its making more bacteria in the water with it being hot!! Hope this helps!!
Sounds like the heat plays a major factor here. Sometimes when the weather is so hot you don't need to keep a heat lamp on your chicks during the daytime. I would turn it on at night but make sure they have enough room to move away from it if they get too hot.

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