quail egg color ?

Aneury Sanchez

Dec 8, 2022
Hello right now I have only 2 female coturnix hens laying eggs. I get one to two eggs daily one is a pharaoh the other a Tibetan/Rosetta. My Tibetan/Rosetta hen always lays eggs of the same color, but the eggs from my pharaoh female always have a different color design she started laying eggs with dark green patches then regular-colored eggs and yesterday I got an all-blue egg without any spots. I believe she is at least half celadon as when I hatched out the eggs from Ebay i had one celadon egg hatch at it was pharaoh colored but it got mixed up with the other chicks from regular-colored eggs but only 1 other pharaoh chick hatched, so is it because she only has 1 copy of the celadon gene that makes her egg color keep changing?
Is she a new layer? If so, her eggs will settle into a pattern.
Is she getting enough calcium? You can offer egg shell or oyster shell on the side and she will eat as much as she needs.

It is not normal for a hen to change her egg pattern once she's an established layer. There will be occasional quirks, but not daily. This has nothing to do with her being a possible celadon carrier.
I was noticing some eggs of my new layers lacking a pattern of any kind and mostly just look like a pastel blue and so it's because they are new layers?

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