Quail eggs


11 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Eastern CT
How long will quail eggs stay "good"? I'm wondering how long I can collect them untill I can put them in the bator before they go bad.
up to a week, to 10 days perferably, but i've heard of people keeping them WAY longer. I'm actually doing a fridge experiement with shadyglade
I have read that you can keep eggs upto 2 weeks though you do have to make sure that you have temperature and humidity control in storing the eggs and that the eggs are stored with pointy bit of the egg pointing down. For myself i usually store my eggs for up to a week and make sure i turn my eggs at 45 degrees across its axis at least once a day. You can keep them for longer than 7 days though the hatchability rates will drop significantly as the nutrients will deplete over time.
you actually dont need to turn the eggs at all. There was a scientific study about it, scientists didnt turn a group of eggs and another group of eggs they did turn, then they incubated them the hatch rates were the same.
I still turn my eggs sometimes but barely
I have had chicken eggs that were not turned end up stuck to the inside of the shell and the chicks deformed and then died by day 12. I'm not sure all the factors that went into that though. I would not rely on just 1 test to say for sure they don't need turned. However I don't think it's as common for eggs to have problems as people think and I don't turn the ones I'm keeping for myself to hatch. I do tilt the carton of the chicken eggs I'm collecting to sell.

I hatched button eggs that had been in the fridge from 1 day to more than 2weeks and had 95% hatch.
Yeah the scientific study was for coturnix quail eggs ONLY not all bird eggs. The test wasnt just one test by the way, coturnix are used constantly in scientific research I posted the article a while ago. Also the proof is in the puddin.... i have several coturnix from eggs I didnt turn before incubating.
i have several coturnix from eggs I didnt turn before incubating.

and I have tons of chickens from eggs I never turned before setting but I have had it happen occasionally. I don't think it's been 100% proven that turning never makes a difference. Perhaps though it doesn't make enough difference to be worth the effort.​
are you guys reffering to turning while storing before incubation or while in the bator?

My turner broke and I did not realize it with a handful of my own quail eggs and all of them hatched and they had never been turned the whole 16 days.
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and I have tons of chickens from eggs I never turned before setting but I have had it happen occasionally. I don't think it's been 100% proven that turning never makes a difference. Perhaps though it doesn't make enough difference to be worth the effort.

I really dont understand what you're saying. The scientific study was for coturnix QUAIL ONLY. Not chickens. I can't say for chickens. Maybe quail dont naturally turn their eggs before incubating them whatever the case it was scientifically prooven look it up (FOR COTURNIX QUAIL).
the scientific study was for before incubation (while storing) but i too have not turned eggs (forgotten to) not for the whole 16-18 days but probably half of that and my hatches were fine as well
thanks for your input here too btw

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