quail EMERGENCY issue


9 Years
Aug 5, 2010
my house in maryland
went out to feed and 1 of my hens was lying on her side. i thought at first she was just lounging ,but she wasn't . she can't move her left side. Anyone know what might be wrong and have suggestions for what to do?
Do you have centipedes in your area? Just a thought for once...

Second: Take her home, provide DISTILLED WATER to flush any toxins out (if there are any toxins that is), she may have had a stroke of some kind.

I would smell the feed as well because sometimes you can't be sure if there is mold in there or some bugs that could be a cause of her problem. But at this time take feed out. Put her in a hospital ward with a heat lamp so she doesn't get limp.
she is doing MUCH better so far .isolated, water, quiet,warm,weak but standing and walking . I think she probably ate 1 too many spiders .

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