Quail laying down all the time


In the Brooder
Dec 12, 2016
I have one silver coturnix quail who lays down all the time. Whenever I look into their cage, the others are running around foraging and eating while it just lays in the corner, the only time he moves is when I put my hand in there near him, he doesn't seem to be injured either....any idea what could be wrong?
The one thing about birds is that they will always pretend to be OK when they are not. It is a basic survival stretegy. They will pretend to eat and do all the normal things birds do to fit in. Birds cannabalise so a sick bird will do it's damnest to not become it's pen mates next meal.

After saying this I would be very concerned about it's behaviour. I would separate the bird just in case it has something contagious. You can always monitor temperature in the birds enclose then. They do tend to lie down on their side when they are hot and little. Sorry I cannot be more help.
It could possibly have been a head hit and now they're sore/injured internally. How long has it been going on?

It may also be because it's scared of you so it's freezing trying to appear invisible when you're around and then runs when you put your hand in?
I hope that is all it is! Maybe a week....but I haven't had them that long....maybe he is just stressed from the change of scenery
I just did a search on this forum and found the following which may be of interest and also help with your future ownership knowledge.
Contactvidura posted this comment on a similar situation to yours.

There is a bacterial disease that occurs when your pen is dirty. I can't remember the name, but when this happens, quails just laying down and don't eat anything. They only drink water.. Lot of water... Color of poop will change to shaded black or sometimes dark brown. If you notice a change in the color of poop its better to take her to your vet as soon as possible as this can spread from one bird to another immediately...

Look at anything that is out of the ordinary as signs that something is not quite right.
Thanks, I will double check. How often should I be cleaning their cage? I use shavings not wire bottoms.
I am using shavings while I build a new cage for deep litter. Since it's not deep litter, I stir it with a hand rake to get poop to the bottom daily, and I change out the shavings completely once a week. Just started. Once I switch to deep litter, you don't have to clean it, just stir it and add things as needed, and I guess periodically you can scoop out some of the compost from the bottom? I'm still learning.

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