Quail lost leg and broke wing! *Graphic images*

Sorry for your loss. If you have the quail in a wire bottom cage, raccoons can reach in to grab a leg and can literally pull them through the wire piece by piece. 1/2 inch hardware cloth wire fencing would prevent that, and they sell it at Lowes and Tractor Supply. It looks like you have a piece of it on the cage already. Since they got one, they will come back each night, so try and keep your quail safe.
Definitely raccoon tracks. I don't know what kind of fencing you have but know that chicken wire is made to keep chickens in, not to keep predators out. Predators can rip through chicken wire very easily. As said already, 1/2" hardware cloth is best. Also if the cage is small and moveable, then the raccoons will turn the cage over and over to try and get to your birds. They are strong and very smart predators.

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