Quail next week

Thank you! I'm pretty proud of it as it was a breeze to build with spare time which I don't have much of! And it cost me literally nothing so more money for more birds!
Thank you! I'm pretty proud of it as it was a breeze to build with spare time which I don't have much of! And it cost me literally nothing so more money for more birds!
It all depends on the rooster, Some roosters do great together with only a few hens (I have two roosters with two hens now and they are fine together, dont over breed the hens either) and some roosters cant be with another roo no matter how much hens (I have an A&M that was with 16 hens and would not accept another rooster)
This is a tad off topic, but to divide a cage for breeding groups do you use wire mesh, or should a more opaque material be used?
Thanks for the roo info, waterfowl, hopefully they'll get long if not I'll put in the divider

I just have hardware cloth dividers in mine

Finished the coop today, birds Saturday

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