Quail or No Quail?

Comparing to chickens how hard it is to care for quail? I currently have three hens but I'm thinking about getting some quail too. Is it easier or harder than chickens to take care of
I am thinking of getting quails too!! They seem so easy to raise. You should consider also getting some Button Quails. They are extremely cute!
I'm going to try hatching some Coturnix in September for my niece's birthday! It's mildly for selfish purposes though, because I really want some! I've been doing lots of research on them, and I haven't found any resources that say they're harder to care for. I do find there are pretty mixed opinions on how many you can keep together.
It’s mainly a rooster issue- they will fight over the hens. If you go to YouTube and search you will find an overload of info. Our roosters starting fighting so we removed the more aggressive ones as I don’t want to pass on that aggressive trait if possible. I read and researched and it seemed like the right option. Now just about any rooster can be aggressive of course. But I kept the ones that were not doing the destruction.

I’ve also read if you have a large pen outdoors it’s possible (not always!) to keep more than one rooster in the pen IF you have an ample supply of females, I’ve read 3-5 4-7 etc. I’ve read too few will cause fighting and cause the females to be humped to death lol

I have 3 with 1 and 2 with 1 currently and they seem fine, but I am adding new hens soon to even it out and pick up some slack. Another couple weeks and Cujo and Taco will have new girlfriends. Fun will be had by all I’m sure... haha.. ha...

But yes in my rabbit hutches it’s too small for more than one rooster and the more aggressive one will try to kill the other - Taco was nearly scalped to death however they regrow their scalp and feathers so quick you would never know.

If this should happen take out the injured bird and separate in a quiet cool dim lit area, wash the area affected. You can use some antibiotic ointment, return him to a quiet place with food and water such as a garage or inside your home until he is healed. In the meantime decide what action to take and how to separate. When he is healed enough you can return him.

We decided to have a quail dinner with the aggressive roosters. Sorry, but that’s why we raise quail. Food and eggs.

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