Quail pipping... uhh... sorta?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 17, 2011
My Valley Quail are at day 23, and finally I noticed some pipping this evening... but they're not very impressive pip holes. When I look at pictures on the web I see pictures of big holes that you can see into. But rather than hols my quail have only made little cracks and slight outward dent.

There also isn't any peeping that I can hear.

My coturnix quail made the small outward dent. I was going crazy waiting on them. I opened one up and they were not ready. Finally 36 hours later they came busting out like the most natural thing. They went from the dent to a full zip and out in about 10 minutes.

Just be patient. I know it's hard:cool:
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Valley quail don't 'pop out' like coturnix and buttons. First they will make a dent then they might sit there for 24 hours or more before doing anything else. One minute you'll look and see dented eggs then the next you'll check to see tiny babies running around. Just be sure not to open the incubator since they can dry out easily.

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