Quail week by week?


10 Years
Feb 3, 2009
south carolina
Has anyone ever posted a week by week quail growth? I've searched and searched and haven't been able to find any info. I just received some quail a week ago and trying to guess the age is a little rusty lol. I'd just like to see the growth from hatched to full grown? Anybody help?
Has anyone ever posted a week by week quail growth? I've searched and searched and haven't been able to find any info. I just received some quail a week ago and trying to guess the age is a little rusty lol. I'd just like to see the growth from hatched to full grown? Anybody help?
Emmm, sorry but i dont have any "Quail Experience" You can ask/search in the https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/48/quail area=!!!
My babies are around two and a half weeks old now. I think I've been feeding them too much egg as we got some more babies around the same age and they are half the size! Ours are also under 24hr incandescent light which I've discovered makes them grow faster too (was the simplest option for us). I can share a few pictures of our babies with you as I've taken lots. Ours are 4 golden (of which 3 are boys) and one white. First picture is 5 days (lots of pin wing feathers), second is 7 days, third is 10 days (that's our only golden girl Cookie who is docile and gorgeous), fourth is 12 days (growing mohawks), fifth picture is 16 days old with their new friends - ours are so used to having the camera shoved in their faces they now go to sleep whereas our new babies are terrified. Hope that helps.

Forgot some younger photos just for comparison - #1 newly hatched, #2 7ish hours after hatching, #3 about a day and a half, #4 two and a half days old (already have pin feathers appearing), and finally four days old. Their rate of growth is incredible.

Probably the easiest way to tell is their feather development. Even our ones that are smaller are starting to get head feathers so I'd say around the two week mark these start coming in and they have most of their breast feathers, if not all. It is harder to tell on the pharaoh and darker colours. It is much easier to see on the white ones. This is our first lot of babies so that's just been my experience so far.

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