One has four comb points. I'd not breed that one. It's harder to gain points on a cockerel than it is a pullet. A five point cock should produce more 5 point hens. To gain points on cockerels (as in the birds are in need of help to get back to standard) you'd try to locate hen with six points. Regardless, I'd not breed the four point bird above.

As for shows, the comb is not awarded many score points- 5 out of 100 total. It will make the difference though as much of the judging is somewhat subjective therefore higher score for other categories if the comb is right. Or inversely your bird would score lower in other categories due to the judge being put off by wrong number of points on single comb bird.

They remind me of my two wheaten maran cockerels when they were babies! 😊 Sugar (right) and Shelley (left).

Sugar has since passed away but his brother (Shelley) is still alive. Pictured here with Spice his sister (right) and their daughter, Speedy (left).

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