Question about adding used coop bedding to garden


In the Brooder
Jun 16, 2021
Hi guys. I’m 3 months into having chickens & I was wondering how to use their dirty poo bedding. Does anybody add the used bedding to their garden in the fall and then till it in when spring arrives? I use pine shavings. How long should it compost before adding to the garden? Thanks in advance!
That's a great use for it! The pine shavings take a while to break down too, but the poop will help.

Chicken poop needs to sit for a few months to "age," so now is a good time to put it on the garden and let it sit all winter. Another option is to make a "hot" compost pile that breaks down in a few weeks, not months. Google "berkeley hot compost method" for lots of information. One caveat: it's a lot of physical labor, because you have to turn it regularly.

Here's a good link:

Where are you located? You can add your location to your profile, and then it's always there. When it comes to chickens -- and gardens -- location and climate make a difference in the advice you'll get.

And, welcome to BYC!
That's a great use for it! The pine shavings take a while to break down too, but the poop will help.

Chicken poop needs to sit for a few months to "age," so now is a good time to put it on the garden and let it sit all winter. Another option is to make a "hot" compost pile that breaks down in a few weeks, not months. Google "berkeley hot compost method" for lots of information. One caveat: it's a lot of physical labor, because you have to turn it regularly.

Here's a good link:

Where are you located? You can add your location to your profile, and then it's always there. When it comes to chickens -- and gardens -- location and climate make a difference in the advice you'll get.

And, welcome to BYC!
Thank you for your input! I was hoping if it sat all winter (almost 6 months) before I began gardening it would break down enough so that I could plant my veggies. I’m in Pennsylvania- I just added it to my profile.
I have done that for years.

I start piling it in the garden after my final harvest and stop adding in late December. In spring I turn it under as soon as the ground is thawed and add some steer manure and bagged top soil. By planting time 2-3 months later the microbes and worms have worked through it quite nicely.

I found if I went above 6" deep across the whole garden it was a bit much to get turned under and have enough actual dirt mixed throughout.

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