Question about being eggbound


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
I just felt inside and a few seconds later a broken egg came out. It doesn't have all the shell. Can I somehow rinse her butt out?I have a syringe?
well I mean in the past few days her shells have had spots on the egg with soild shell and some with very thin shell. So anywways it came out and now it feels like another one is in there but I don't think it's far enough down the drain so to speak. So I still keep her inside and she if she lays it tom??? she is a ameracana and lays a blue egg everyday.
The last few days she has been giving me funky eggs. I have been letting them free range too much and they are not eatiing the food.
Sorry If I am not suppose to ask . Never done this before.
I would keep her up where you can keep an eye on her and see if she passes the rest of the shell as well as the other egg. I would not "rinse" it out for fear of pushing remnants further up. You can lubricate her vent with vaseline or mineral oil. Give her some plain yogurt to eat and make sure she drinks. Hope this helps and maybe some one else has some ideas too.
taking a eye dropper and filling with olive oil and insert eye dropper in the vent
then expell the oil
do this three times

I would give her the
wet mash probiotic
3 tbsp of dry crumbles
6 tbsp of milk any kind
1 tbsp of yoguart
now feed this to her so she can eat it in 20-30 minutes
if she leaves any then put in container in frig
for another time
feed it to her in the morning
also give her 1 pt of water
1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
do this till she is better
also give her a 1000 mg of liquid calcium in gel capsule
cut end of capsule and feed it to her in wet mash
if you can't get that kind buy 1000 mg pills and crush in a bowl with hard object like a wooden dowel
then put in the wet mash two times a day a pill each time fed wet mash
keep this up till she gets good solid egg shell
she really is laying too hard and not avle to recover between eggs

also I would include a 1000 mg Vet E cut end of capsule and add to wet mash as you add the calcium pill

she needs nerve help also

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