Question about call ducks

Mother Hen to 6

8 Years
Apr 25, 2014
Ok I have had call ducks in the past and it was a total disaster. We had 6 that was 2 weeks old. Took them out to swim one day for about 30 mins and within the hour they were all dead. No clue what happened. They just started not being able to walk and shaking. We kept them warm and still lost them all. This was a few years ago and I have been afraid to try calls again but have now decided I want some. Does anyone have any idea what would have happened? The water wasn't cold and it was warn outside. I just don't want this to happen again.
We're you providing extra heat? I know they recommend not letting younger ducklings swim until 6-8 weeks until they gets some feathers in. Ducklings without a duck mom have no protection from getting chilled.

What were you feeding them? Sometimes ducklings need extra vitamins.

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