Question about construction sand

IMHO sand is way easier to scoop the poop off of. We have fine sand (just because we bought for stalls at first) and it is very easy to clean up. Not to mention easier to spread out in the field and of course with the Texas clay we have in the field sand never hurts to put out. If it is inside a covered/ enclosed coop the sand will stay nice and cool. Our chickens do not leave the coop from about 9:30am till about 7:00pm because of the heat, but they all are comfortable in the coop even in the 100+ days. We still use shaving/ straw (which ever we have from horses) in the nesting boxes. We do throw down some straw in the winter for them to keep warm in. Normally just throw 2 bales in and let them scratch apart. We have a pile of sand off to the side with extra sand and we just level off the coop every 3 months or so whenever it looks like it needs a little more.
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Thanks for the reply, R&RCoop. I've been getting more and more concerned about the silica. I guess you have had no problems with that, to show up in your chickens? I know the chickens stir up a lot of dust, so I'm nervous about that part.
I don't have access to straw, but do have hay I can continue to put in the nest boxes. I wondered about sand in the nest boxes though....maybe not a good idea, huh?
I'm loving all this advice from people that know what they are talking about! Thanks everyone!
x2 on being careful with bulk sand. I have about a yard in the run right now, with another yard left to rake in and found some glass. Other than that it's great. Has some nice variation to the grain size and the ladies love it. They enjoy dust bathing under the coop since it tends to be dry, and sunbath on the other end. It drains very well, and can sprout excess BOSS for them to scratch up and eat.
When I was looking at sand nearby, I did ask if it had been sifted, or cleaned, or whatever they do. He said it had not, but he had never seen anything in it. If we get this, it will be transferred from our trailer, by hand, into the coops. I'm hoping that we will see anything bad in it. They free range on 4 of our 8 acres. People lived here before we did, and there are bits of glass and other "stuff" all around. We have cleaned what we could (have been here 23 years) but I still see bits of glass and other things to pick up, pretty often. So I'm thinking there wouldn't be anything worse in the sand.
Thanks for the reply!
I want to build a "sand box" in the run for them to have good dry material to take their dust baths in even in wet weather. After reading all of your posts; I think I am going to go 50/50 mix of the course sand and a finer grain. I think the course sand would be great for drainage but I think the finer grain will feel better on their skin.

I want to stress that I have a huge run..not sure how that would work in a small enclosed coop.
I'm probably making a bigger deal of this than I need to. I can't seem to find out exactly what "coarse" sand is. I had thought about making a sand box myself, but decided I'd rather just go ahead and put sand in both coops....then they can take their baths in there...leading to another concern, which is getting the dirt flying and getting silica in their little lungs! I plan to put it in the run also, when it is complete....hope to cover it to help keep it dry. Live and learn I guess. I just hate to make a mistake with it, and actually do harm to the little ones. I guess I'll go with the sand that is close by...called manufacturers sand. I'll get a yard....put it in two coops (each 40 sq ft) and then if it proves to be a bad idea, I'll throw it all out and move to plan B, whatever that might be.
Good luck with yours! What do you have on the floor of your coop?
I got the sand I use as grit now the day we were at the beach, but come the time the 3 girls go into their (sigh) finished coop, I'm not sure what I'll use in the coop or run. I'll probably go with sand, but still not sure if it will be warm enough in our cold winters...
Getting sand today for our coop! Researched this concern quite a bit and found out coarse sand drains better, is easier to clean, not as heavy per scoop as fine sand (therefore easier on the back!), less likely to contain salt (which holds moisture), and is better for their lungs. There are quite a few types of coarse sand and the most important aspect is that it's WASHED! It has to be washed. It eliminates you paying for unwanted materials, cuts down the salt content, and help minimize the dust as well. For everyone considering switching to sand... I highly recommend it! We had our chicks for 1 week in aspen bedding and hated it! Constantly rinsing feet, picking it out of their food, and having to scrub their waterer was enough. The shavings would stick to everything, it was difficult to clean well, constantly stuck to the chicks feet, and did not do squat for the stench. We switch to sand and are never going back. The chicks love it! Sand in their food is no big deal because they use it as grit. Sand in their water, sinks to the bottom and didn't deter drinking and easily rinses out. Added bonus: it's a built in dust bath!
I am going to need some construction sand for my chicken coops. I read that lots of you are using it, but haven't seen anyone say exactly which kind of sand to use. There is a cement company only a mile from me. I talked to someone today, and he said they have "concrete sand", "manufactured sand", and "mason sand". I told him what I'm using it for and thought the manufactured sand would be the best. He said definitely not mason sand. I asked if chickens could take a dirt bath in the mfg. sand and he wasn't sure. I will go up and look at it. In the meantime though, could some of you chip in and tell me what kind you use? I know there are several different kinds, and not all places will have all kinds.
Any information will be greatly appreciated! I'm finally to the point where I'm ready for the sand, after spending months and months to even get the coops ready. Hardware cloth should arrive today....we ran out of what we had.
I recently read an article that specifically stated you should not use "manufactured" sand, but instead use "Natural-Construction" is a great article on it
...I'm in the same dilemma...having a hard time locating the sand mentioned in this blog...
I am going to need some construction sand for my chicken coops. I read that lots of you are using it, but haven't seen anyone say exactly which kind of sand to use. There is a cement company only a mile from me. I talked to someone today, and he said they have "concrete sand", "manufactured sand", and "mason sand". I told him what I'm using it for and thought the manufactured sand would be the best. He said definitely not mason sand. I asked if chickens could take a dirt bath in the mfg. sand and he wasn't sure. I will go up and look at it. In the meantime though, could some of you chip in and tell me what kind you use? I know there are several different kinds, and not all places will have all kinds.
Any information will be greatly appreciated! I'm finally to the point where I'm ready for the sand, after spending months and months to even get the coops ready. Hardware cloth should arrive today....we ran out of what we had.

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