Question about duck eggs


13 Years
Jan 23, 2007
N.E. Louisiana
Hey yall, my mallard, Miss Quacks has been laying up a storm. I've got 13 eggs total so far.

She's been laying everyday for the past week. Is that normal? I thought I ducks laid every other day?
Another thing, her eggs are about the size of a small standard chicken egg, should I let her try to hatch them that small? About how many will she lay before she goes broody???
I'm going to have to make her nest bigger if she keeps this up,lol.
yippee, my duck always laid 14 and everyday too
Not sure about the size issue that you are having though.

My girl dug her eggs under in a big hole and then covered them up with downy feathers and hay to make them snuggly just before they hatched when they were due.
Good luck, hope someone else has some more info on the size.
My 3 ducks have beenlaying almost every day since Christmas. The runner is the most regular, the rouens take a day off now and then.

I just wish my DH hasn't suddenly become allergic to them!! arrrgh!

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