Question about eggs. Are they a loss?


7 Years
Feb 27, 2012
Inland Empire, Southern California
My Coop
My Coop
So I had a chick hatch a couple days ago. My hen was still sitting on the other eggs up until sometime during the night or this morning. What happened was the chick got out of the nesting box and I guess couldn't get back in so Cinnamon, my hen being a good mommy stayed by the chick to keep her warm which allowed the eggs to cool. Are the eggs a loss? I ended up putting the eggs in the middle of the coop where both the chick and my hen can reach them. My first chick that is my first hatch ever is super cute, but then again I'm partial. LOL She is a Plymouth Barred Rock (Hen) and Silkie (Rooster) Mix. I named her Ostara for Easter. :)

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