Question about feed store chicks

i love my feed store if they dont sell some chicks by a certain date and they order more they give me all the birds wheather its quail ducks turkeys or chickens and i just resell them teehee but i spend over 100 dollars a week there on feed
I love my feedstore chicks and have two of them. Guess what I just figured out today? They don't get their chicks from a hatchery, but from a breeder! So I guess that means I have all breeder birds now.

The only thing is, I am very particular about breeds and what I want them vaccinated for (NB/IB, Marek's and cocci medicated feed), and the feedstore can't supply all that.
I work very closely with one of our feed store employees . We work our the timing and he choses great and different breeds. Everyone should be so lucky. This is a family owned store in downtown Bellingham, that has been open since the early 1900's .
All the chicks my feedstore sold had the Mareks vac and they sold medicated feed. Honestly, I've never heard of NB/IB though... Off to do the research...

Well we actually switched feed stores about a month ago, now the one I go to doesn't even have chicks, but it does have the feed.

The one that we got the chickens from doesn't vaccinate for anything, and doesn't carry medicated feed.
Another suggestion if you can't get the breeds you want, why don't you check into They do ship a smaller amount of birds, so you don't have to order 25 of them, because some hatcheries do require an order of at least 25 chicks. Ideal - their minimum is $25, but then again you might get some packing peanuts that you don't want (roosters) from Ideal.

Another idea is to put a posting on here to see if anyone would like to split an order with you from a hatchery.

Keep looking and asking - you're doing a great job already!!!

Good luck, and I KNOW you'll love raising chicks!!!
Thanks everyone for the advice. I never even thought of a feed store for a specific kind of breed. I used to get chicks from a feed store as a kid, but they always turned out to be a big white hen, didn't know the breed. Tomorrow I will be calling the 2 feed stores here and ask them about it. Since this is new to me, I didn't even know there were different breeds of chickens until the roo and hen showed up in my yard. So I did some research about them and that's how I found this place and about all the different breeds. I just like the black and white stripes on my BR roo and after some research decided it was a good breed to start out with.
We have three local feed stores and one chain farm-supply store. Not sure where the chain gets their chicks, but they told us we could visit their web site to download an order form and submit it in order to reserve the chicks we want. Our local feed stores all order their chicks from the same hatchery -- Townline Hatchery in Zeeland, MI -- so we figured, if everyone orders their chicks from hatcheries, why not go straight to the source? Backyard Poultry magazine has a great listing of hatcheries. Some will sell as few as 3 chicks; most ask for a minimum order of 15 or 25. If you're looking for only three, you might want to try Meyer Hatchery or Chickens for Backyards (their website is their name plus .com). The price might be a little more, but you're guaranteed to get what you want.
I know that my local feed store here in MN places their orders with Hoovers Hatchery, they have set days that they receive the chicks. You order the breeds of your choice before hand. Also, sometimes they do random chick days which is how I got started with birds, they had a random chick day and there was a mix of random birds that people could just come in and buy on that day. Also buying directly from the hatcheries is another possibility. I am now hooked on hatching my own eggs that I have been buying on the auctions listed on BYC.

Good luck with whatever you do.
just got off the phone with TSC nearest me, and they are getting chickies in on the 28th of Feb (good news)..........but they only get straight run!! How does that make any sense?? I know they order from Mt Healthy, so why wouldn't they order pullets?

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