Question about guinea eggs


13 Years
Aug 4, 2008
Box Springs,Georgia
A few weeks ago one of my guinea's where sitting on eggs, she seemed to on them forever and one afternoon I heard that "pop" of a rotten egg and i knew just where to go...Yes her nest! I made her move and she was sitting on a TON of eggs and sure enough the sound came from her nest. I carefully collected the eggs and one by one started cracking them open and just about each and everyone was fully formed but dead. This is my 1st year having fertile guinea eggs because I finally got a male about 6 months ago. I was so bummed & confused that all the eggs had dead babies in them! But oh well life on the hobby farm goes on....
Well about a week and a half a go I found another one of my guinea's sitting on eggs....again a TON, atleast 30 I thought OMG I am not gonna loss all of these too so I took like half of them and put then in my incubator that was already going cause I had a couple of turkey eggs in it (thats usually what I hatch). Last night around 7:30 I heard a little peep coming from the incubator so I rushed in to see 1 guinea egg that had a tiny pip hole...woo-hoo I thought to myself and that was it.
This morning when I get up it still looks the same, I let time go noise, no movement same tiny hole <ugh, sigh> so I took the eggs out and heard a faint peep, I carefully pealed the shell and left the white skin like coating in started to bleed never had that happen, well it died. There are no signs of the other eggs hatching. What is going wrong with my guinea eggs, any idea? I have no clue and now I am starting to think all the others are doing the same thing ... forming and then for some reason dieing in the egg.

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