Question about how many nest boxes


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 13, 2009
central Illinois
Hi all! I got my first 2 eggs today! Not sure from who yet. lol. My question is I have 12 girls and I was wondering how many nest boxes I need. They are 17 1/2 weeks. I wasn't ready so they laid on the roost board and floor.
I have two nest boxes I just went and put out there. How many do you think I need? Is this enough? Thanks!
You want about one nestbox for every four to five hens. Don't be surprised if they take a liking to one particular one and fight over it.
Congrats on your first eggs.
We have 20 hens that are laying right now and only 3 of our 12 nesting boxes are being used. They will stand and squawk until someone leaves so they can use the same box.
I was told 2-4 hens per nest.... but I don't think there is a hard and fast rule. The construction guy who helps us build our coop insisted on building 12 boxes - two rows of six. We have 11 pullets that just started laying... I think seven are laying so far. Six of the seven use the top row of nesting boxes... all six of them. My two Marans both use the top right nest, and only that one. 2 of my EEs use the top left three boxes, and my orpingtons use the top right three. No one uses any in the bottom row. One EE lays on the floor in the corner and I can't change her mind. Chickens get funny ideas, I guess.

So, in summary... seven laying pullets currently... they use 6 out of 12 boxes. One lays on the floor. Hopefully that helps you decide.

Edited to say: Congrats on your first eggs! 17.5 weeks is a nice early surprise for you!
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